
Showing posts from January, 2022

What is PTSD? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

What is PTSD? This question is helpful to ask because understanding what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is may be the key to encouraging you to get help, or it may be an opportunity for you to help someone else. A person develops PTSD after witnessing a traumatic event, the trauma from their experience may later develop into intense or disturbing behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Traumatic events can include: Natural Disaster Military Combat Sexual Assault Serious Accidents Terrorist Acts Threats of Violence Any Type of Abuse Car Accidents The disorder was once known as shell shock after World War I and combat fatigue following World War II. Since then, we’ve learned a lot, and now is not exclusive to military veterans, but can occur for anyone and at any age. What is PTSD? When you initially experience a frightening or traumatic experience, you engage in a reaction called “fight-or-flight.” Generally, this response is normal and helpful. This response is adapted to help protect